How to stay at the Tundra Hut

Select your dates

Go to our homepage and use the date selector to find available dates. Select your arrival and departure dates and complete your reservation

Sign our waiver

Your booking email address will automatically receive an email with a link to our liability waiver. It must be signed by all guests

Get ready!

Two days prior to your trip you will get an email with all the details to access the hut. Now it’s time to get ready for your trip

All guests must sign a liability waiver to visit the hut

3 thoughts on “How to stay at the Tundra Hut

  1. Hi Garth,

    What’s your email? I’d like to speak with you about a rec opportunity.

    1. garthfasano

      Hey Clarke – I just sent you an email.

  2. Erin Anzalone

    Hey Garth,

    I don’t see any information on the ski in to the hut for winter access. Curious if maps are posted anywhere, along with information about the length and terrain of the ski into the hut. Maybe I’m just missing something? Thanks!


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